FORGOTTEN LIBERATORS, A Suppressed Chapter in History – Africa, Asia, Oceania

Exhibition at Castle of Good Hope,
Cape Town: 1 March 2017 – End June 2017

Exhibition at Freedom Park,
Tshwane: July 2017

Exhibition at Holocaust & Genocide Centre,
Johannesburg: January 2018

• The Third World fielded more soldiers in World War II than Europe 

• They suffered more losses than Germany, Italy and Japan combined

• Their countries were battlegrounds for the warring nations and their countries were exploited for food and war material

Thanks to: State Chancellery of North Rhine Westphalia, Rosa Luxemburg FoundationLiliesleaf Museum, Exile Kultu Koordination e.V.; Community Heart e.V. and the Castle of Good Hope.

The Exhibition was created and produced for us by Recherche International e.V. and many other people.